My first Christmas.
Happy Holidays everyone!
What a weekend! I slept for a really long time last night 'cause I'm spent.
On Sunday, we drove to Hutch where Grandpa and Grandma Ackland live. I still hate car rides. It's the only time I don't get picked up when I cry. There was a lot of commotion there, but I really enjoyed myself. I let Aunt Jessie give me a bottle and had a good nap with Great Aunt Bonnie. The dogs scared me a couple times, but the pile of gifts made up for it. I was glad to meet Uncle John and my cousins Katie and Traci.
Monday morning Dad and I played together with my new toys while Mom slept. My parents and I sat in front of our tree and opened presents. I think our cat Mojo is jealous, because he kept climbing in my gift bags/boxes looking to see if it was for him. It was nice. We spent the afternoon at Grandpa and Grandma Peterson's house, (which required yet another car ride, grrr.) I missed lots of people who are out of town, but I guess I'll see them in a week. I can't wait to meet my Aunt Jenna who lives in NY.
Thanks for all of the gifts, you guys. I'm a little overwhelmed at everyone's generosity. The toys are all very intriguing. I'm sure I'll spend hours pushing cars on the rug when I'm older. For now, staring at the colorful, noisy rattles and listening to people read me books is very fun.
I'll post pictures of me in all of my new cute outfits in future posts. Look forward to the Raider's outfit, B is for Bob (Marley) onesie, jean jacket, cargo pants, polos, track suit, etc...... You'll melt.

Me, my mom, her mom, her mom,

Aunt Bonnie knows just how I like to be held.

Christmas outfit and Raider's hat. That's Aunt Jessie holding me.

My cousins Katie (missing teeth) and Traci.

Uncle John (red hair) and Uncle Scott

Reindeer butt!!!

My parents are a bit loony.

Aunt Sandra
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