Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all, I'll not say goodnight


Try to keep up.

Car ride, snacks, toys, Grandamas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, kids, noise, run run run, cookies, tags, ornaments, Santa, presents, puppies, yelling, toys, dice, more presents, an orange, more toys, sleeping, crying, sleeping, crying, sleeping, crying, sleeping, presents, MORE TOYS, car ride, Grandamas, Grandpas, Aunts, cousings, kids, noisy, run run run, puppy, yummy food, presents, EVEN MORE TOYS, ...

...best nap ever.

Hmmm, maybe it's better said in a video. I give you my 12 days of Chrismas 2007.

Thanks for the gifts everyone. I love them all. It was really great to spend time with all of you.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I'm sick. All doubt was removed last night when I threw up...

All over Mom...


The good things about being sick are that you get held all the time, you get to take 2 long naps, and you get to be a lot pickier about the food you eat. The bad parts are that my tummy hurts and I'm hungry, but don't want to eat. Mom's been sick too. Hopefully we'll both be better tomorrow so we can go to work and daycare on Tuesday.

Who is this guy and why is he holding me?

I got to spend some time with my buddy garrett on Friday. We had some fun playing together while our mom's made Christmas cookies.

"OOOOHHH! Jingle bells, jingle bells..."

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Neighborhood watch

I had my first teenage babysitter on Friday! Michaela lives across the alley and came over while Mom and Dad went to a party at the next door neighbor's. Michaela's Mom and cousin (another neighbor) came by to see me too. Talk about your neighborhood watch! Anyway, things went well and it's ok with me if she babysits more often.

These are my new favorite pj's that Mom got me.

My Aunt Jenna is in town from New York this week so we spent last night over there. I had lots of fun. I also got to open my first present this year. Thanks for the cute hat Aunt Jenna!


Sunday, December 2, 2007

First snow

I got to play in the snow for the first time this weekend. Enjoy.

I could use some new pajamas.

I like to pull the plug and watch the water drain out.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm thankful for...

Ok, that's what Dad made me say first, but I do know that every time I have a sitter, Mom and Dad are much happier for a few days. And happy Moms and Dads make for happy babies, so thanks, this week, to Nikki and Eric, who watched me while Mom and Dad went to dinner and the theater. They were much happier.

Even though this was not Eric's idea, he was lots of fun.
I trained him well.

Nikki lets me stay up reeeallly late!
She can babysit anytime!

...Mom and Dad's bed.
It's a lot more comfortable than mine, and this week I realized that all I can climb into it whenever I insist. It's best when I can be between Mom and Dad and kick Dad's face. It's also better to sleep sideways. I'm sure they don't mind.

We spent Thanksgiving at Uncle Dean and Aunt Jessie's new house this year. I got to eat my first turkey dinner! The cranberry sauce was my favorite, but I liked the turkey, potatoes, and stuffing too. Mom gave me an M&M right away and made a mess of my white sweater. Silly Mom. I really liked playing with my cousins Tracy and Katelyn.

2 big bellies.

I wanna push the buttons.
I'm good at it. Let me push them.
Can I show you?

Today we went to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's. I got to eat lots of good pasta and play with my cousins David and Gustavo.

I did not get a good nap today so I was extra tired when we left.
I fell asleep in the car immediately and I'm told I didn't wake up as Dad took me into Target, back to the car, and all the way home.

It's EVERYWHERE. In fact, even tonight, Mom and Dad put even more potential trouble right in the living room!

This is Mom and Dad's idea of a baby-proofed tree.
I'll bet I can reach those low ornaments still.
Any bets on that garland moving up?

...New toys.
Toys can be anything. Seriously. My favorites this week were Dad's wallet, and my recently discovered tongue. Mom and Dad keep thinking I'm putting stuff in my mouth, but I just like grabbing my tongue.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


First, an interesting fact: This is post number 52, exactly one year from the first.
Can you believe that you've been reading this blog almost every week for a year now?

After weeks of crabbiness, and sparse naps, I finally found the secret this weekend. Rather than try to take 2 short naps, just take 1 long nap. I mean loooong too. This is way better for me, and Mom and Dad are pretty happy about having time to get stuff done.

I went to my first art museum this weekend. It was really boring just looking at stuff. Everything was way too quiet too. I had to yell louder to make up for it. I found a way to make it fun though. I ran as fast as I could through the exhibit while Dad chased me and gave hasty apologies to the guards as we passed. Then he passed me to Mom, who is way smarter and took me to the kids play area where I had fun drooling on toys.

Mom and Dad were camera negligent this week, but here's a few.

Mom let me play with Play Doh.
I thought it was food because I was in my high chair.

Yep, high chairs are for fun.
I think it's silly to hold the spoon with my teeth.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Stack 'em up, Knock 'em down

I had a doctor's appointment last week. I got my stats and my shots.

Here's my measurements:

  • 23 1/2 lbs (I think my scale at home needs a little adjustment. )
  • 70th percentile.
  • 31 1/4 in
  • 90th percentile.
  • 46.5 cm
  • 60th percentile.
So I'm really tall, a little chubby, with an average sized head. The doctor says I can eat more of the food that Mom and Dad eat, so already this week I've been eating lots of their leftovers instead of baby food jars. I got 4 shots and checked out ok.

My new developmental step is blocks. I'm just learning how to stack them. I've been really good at knocking them over and throwing them and hitting Dad in the face with them so far, but stacking is kinda hard.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

peek - a - ...


Happy Halloween everyone! Halloween was lots of fun. I got to meet some kids from my neighborhood and visit some of the neighbors we know. There aren't a lot of kids around here, so when I get older that means more candy for me, right? Mom and Dad let me stay up late and play outside while they met trick or treaters. Mom let me have some cookies that were given to me, but won't let me have any of the candy. I think I would like candy, don't you?

Here's more pictures of me in the silly costume you old people find so adorable.

I had a lot of fun visiting Aunt Jessie and Grandma A this weekend at Aunt Jessie's new house.

Check out my new duds!
Dad was surprised that I already wear size 5 shoes.
He bought me my first pair of tie shoes!

Want me to brush your teeth?

Yesterday, I played outside while Dad raked leaves. I helped! Why didn't anyone tell me that leaves were even more fun to play with when there are MILLIONS of them?!