Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm too tired to sleep.




:) My parents don't care if I sleep in the swing all night anymore. hehe

I'm finally used to daycare. I still love the car and I don't mind bottles at all. I take naps pretty regularly. No problem. I got to stay home with my mom on Thursday though, 'cause she was sick. Dad came home to take care of us both that day, and Grandma Ackland came on Friday.

I'm much more interested in toys now. I hold rings for hours and always laugh at the puppet.

How old do I have to be for everyone to stop pinching me?

Seriously, you gotta get one of these!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm not wanted. For 5 hours a day, 3 days a week.

I started daycare this week. My mom drops me off on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, then takes off to go to work. I miss her when she leaves so I cried a lot. Luckily I'm left with a very, very patient person. Kathy is really nice. She holds me all the time (cause I won't let her put me down,) and doesn't get frustrated with me when I cry myself hoarse. There are good things there too, though. I like being licked by her new dog Pony, and the kids are really nice and like to play with me sometimes. Right away on the first day, someone fingerpainted with me... or rather on me. My dad picks me up a few hours later and takes care of me until bedtime. My mom comes home right before then and tucks me in. This is going to be quite an adjustment.

P.S. I love the car. The car is the best thing ever. I fall asleep during every car ride and never ever cry. Not even a little.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


This Friday, my mom packed up everything I own (except my swing) and we took off for Grandma and Grandpa Ackland's in Hutch. My dad seemed excited too, making comments about "Freedom Friday." He stayed home. I was worried about a long car ride, but it was ok. I slept the whole way there.

First we went to visit Great Grandpa Wendroth. We didn't stay very long, but it was a nice visit.

That night, my great aunt's Bonnie and Diane came visiting. I got more presents. I'm so spoiled, thanks Aunt Diane. I was placed in some crazy contraption that bounced me. It was scary and I liked it at the same time. Everyone passed me around and played with me and I had a lot of fun.

Sorry about the shirt. Don't feel bad. I do that to everyone now.

I like sleeping over because my mom lets me sleep with her after I'm awake. That never happens at home anymore.

On Saturday, I met my great uncle Ronnie. I stared at him a lot. He's got a hairy face. Cool.

The car ride home was ok too. I screamed at first, but then I fell asleep again.

Mom says that I start daycare on Tuesday. She says it will be ok, and that I will get to play with lots of other kids. We'll see how it goes...

Monday, January 8, 2007

I was good, my parents weren't.

All in all, this has been a very good week. I am sleeping longer, starting to take naps at regular times, and having a lot more fun. I had a busy weekend though.

On Friday my parents abandoned me. They left me for three hours. Both of them. At the same time. I don't know what I did to drive them away, but they seemed very excited about leaving me. They even dressed up, as if this were something to celebrate.

Okay, so I wasn't alone. Aunt Sandra stayed with me. It took her a while to learn how I like things, but I yelled at her until she got it right. Mom and Dad finally came home, looking quite pleased with what they'd done. My aunt said that she didn't mind even my crying and volunteered to allow them to do this again! I'm not sure I believe her though, because she left very quickly.

Saturday was opposite day. My mom left for the day and my dad stayed home with me. We had a lot of fun. Bottles are ok in the morning. I got my naps on time. I got lots of play time. It was a good day.

Sunday we took a trip to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's. Yep, still hate car rides. My dad recorded himself shhh-ing, looped it for 10 minutes, and copied it to a cd. He played this almost the entire time in the car. While his artistic ability is very questionable, it did put me to sleep for short periods, if only to escape it.

I spent lots of time with my Aunt Jenna visiting from New York and my cousins David and Tavito. Aunt Jenna is really nice. I like her. Tavito picked out a rattle as a present for me and he is already playing with me, even though I don't have a long attention span. That will be fun when I'm older 'cause it looks like he has lots of really cool toys. I'm not exactly sure what or who a "Salty" train engine is, but he's got two!

I keep hearing my parents talk about something called "Daycare." I'm scared.

Monday, January 1, 2007

What's my prize?

So I guess at this time of year, we humans look back on the last year and contemplate what's changed. So lets see.. there was that grape flavor, crying, pissing on my dad twice a day for a week HeHe,... oh yeah, I WAS BORN! I win. No one can top that, what's my prize?

I'm told that we also choose an unattainable goal, work towards it in January, and then forget all about it. So here goes. My new year's resolution is to sleep more and cry le... HAAHAAHAA I couldn't even finish it. No seriously, I'm looking forward to crawling because I get really bored staring at the same patch of floor/wall/ceiling all the time. I've recently started to talk a little, but no one understands me, so I can work on that. Hopefully soon I'll be able to laugh as well.

My parents were really excited a few days ago when I slept for 7 hours straight. It was after a night out at Shannon, Shaun, and Sam's (see earier posts), and I was exhausted from crying. Sleeping 7 hours is great! It means I hardly have to sleep at all for the next 72 hours! I don't know what my parents are complaining about. I'm sure they get as much sleep as I do during the night. Maybe they should get swings too, so they can nap easier during the day.

Happy New Year's y'all! Here's yer pichures.

First time in shoes. Yes that's Bob Marley.

First time with a beer. Just Kidding. It's not my first time. ;-)

Zombie hands!!!!

Mom bought me a playmat this weekend and I'm enthralled with it. Noise, lights, pictures, mirror, and hanging plush animals in a plethora of bright colors; it truly cannot be ignored.

Later dudes,
-- forever dubbed by my cousin Katie -- Bebe Harley