Hi. It's late and I'm tired, so here's a quick update.
Mom let me have some ice cream, and I LOVED it. I was mad when it was gone.

My foot likes ice cream too.
Aunt Sandra babysat on Friday night while Mom and Dad went out to dinner.
Mom's friend Jill from work came over with Brady. He's not very old, but he's almost as big as me! I had fun kicking his legs and pinching his belly and cheeks.

Kevin helped Dad brew beer yesterday. I like Kevin's shiny chain.
I used to think that my baby food was messy, but toddler food is WAY messier and I like it.

I got a bath right after this picture.
Stop putting everything on my head already.
We just got back from Shannon and Shaun's. I had fun chasing their dog Sam.

I like to feel people's teeth. It's only fair, they feel mine.

Like I said, it's late and I'm tired.
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