Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all, I'll not say goodnight


Try to keep up.

Car ride, snacks, toys, Grandamas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, kids, noise, run run run, cookies, tags, ornaments, Santa, presents, puppies, yelling, toys, dice, more presents, an orange, more toys, sleeping, crying, sleeping, crying, sleeping, crying, sleeping, presents, MORE TOYS, car ride, Grandamas, Grandpas, Aunts, cousings, kids, noisy, run run run, puppy, yummy food, presents, EVEN MORE TOYS, ...

...best nap ever.

Hmmm, maybe it's better said in a video. I give you my 12 days of Chrismas 2007.

Thanks for the gifts everyone. I love them all. It was really great to spend time with all of you.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I'm sick. All doubt was removed last night when I threw up...

All over Mom...


The good things about being sick are that you get held all the time, you get to take 2 long naps, and you get to be a lot pickier about the food you eat. The bad parts are that my tummy hurts and I'm hungry, but don't want to eat. Mom's been sick too. Hopefully we'll both be better tomorrow so we can go to work and daycare on Tuesday.

Who is this guy and why is he holding me?

I got to spend some time with my buddy garrett on Friday. We had some fun playing together while our mom's made Christmas cookies.

"OOOOHHH! Jingle bells, jingle bells..."

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Neighborhood watch

I had my first teenage babysitter on Friday! Michaela lives across the alley and came over while Mom and Dad went to a party at the next door neighbor's. Michaela's Mom and cousin (another neighbor) came by to see me too. Talk about your neighborhood watch! Anyway, things went well and it's ok with me if she babysits more often.

These are my new favorite pj's that Mom got me.

My Aunt Jenna is in town from New York this week so we spent last night over there. I had lots of fun. I also got to open my first present this year. Thanks for the cute hat Aunt Jenna!


Sunday, December 2, 2007

First snow

I got to play in the snow for the first time this weekend. Enjoy.

I could use some new pajamas.

I like to pull the plug and watch the water drain out.