With news like this, there's no more excuses for Dad to put off helping me with my posts. I just got back from my first trip to urgent care. I hurt my eye earlier today and it's been watering non-stop and hurts. I have to squint a lot. For some reason, my parents thought that the best course of action was to take me to have someone hold my eye open and squirt things in there. That did NOT HELP. How did this occur? Mom, Dad, and two strangers co-conspired to hold me down in a death grip while one of them wrenched open my injured eye! I think I saw part of a movie on TV where aliens held someone down and put a probe into his eye. That's pretty much what happened, except that Mom and Dad not only approved, but participated!
Dad insists I let him tell his side of the story.
Harley started to cry and rub his eyes around 6pm like he'd been poked in the eye or something, but was able to open it. After 2 hours, when his right eye was still watering, (and Michelle came home and insisted I call the nurse immediately), we took him to urgent care, thinking his eye may have been scratched. Luckily we got right in since it was already past bed time. The doctor put numbing drops in, then put a dye in his eye that will fill a scratch and fluoresce under a black light. Harley's so strong, it took 4 of us to hold him still and keep his eye open. The dye showed a decent sized corneal abrasion (scratch) right in the center of his eye. What Harley doesn't know yet is that we have to administer antibacterial eye drops 4 times a day for a few days to prevent any infection as it heals. Hopefully it will get better as he gets used to it rather than worse as he realizes what's we're up to.I'm too traumatized to talk about it anymore. Let's move on...
Happy Birthday, Garrett. Your party was fun, thanks for inviting us. I really like your toys and your room. I've been trying to talk Dad into buying me a remote control car. Maybe he'll feel guilty enough now that I got hurt on his watch. Next time I see you I'll teach you how to go down stairs. Slide down on your stomach if you're in a hurry, but the butt slide is much more fun.

I'm learning to share.

Still the babies.

I needed a break and was ready to go home.

Dad's been building forts for me to climb on and I love it!

There was actually one day in the last month warm enough for me to play outside.

Hello? How come nobody ever calls me?
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