Monday, May 28, 2007

Diggin' in the dirt.

Happy Memorial Day. I've spent all weekend outside watching Mom and Dad play in the dirt. I'm so jealous. I made sure they knew it by making my new mad sound. It's fun! [editor's note: new fun sound is rolling t's. Actually quite impressive.]

Here's a short list of my recent inspirations.
  1. Everything can be tasted. Everything.
  2. Strangers are scary.
  3. Grass is for pulling up.
  4. I only bonk my head when Dad is watching me.
  5. Thumbs beat pacifiers, hands down.
  6. The best toys in the world are toes. They're tasty too.
  7. Falling asleep is HARD.
  8. I must be someone important 'cause everyone wants their turn with me.

Here I am geeking out at the computer.

Things are good with my new roommate, Uncle John. He won't let me near his snake though.


I loved watching all of the other babies at the graduation party we went to,
but as you can see, I missed my nap. Nothing personal Great Aunt Bonnie.

OK, seriously, nobody knows how to snuggle like a grandma...

Or maybe...

This is my second cousin Miranda.

And of course my first cousins, who I can't wait to play with.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Flapjack Harley

Look at me go. I'll be crawling soon, but in the meantime, I roll around and if I'm on slippery floors, I can push myself backwards. I just have to work on the other gears now. This is great and all, except for one thing. I wake up on my tummy. Dad comes in and has to flip me.

I gotta say thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Ackland for my new play saucer. I love it. See?

They gave me Clifford too.

What are these for?

My uncle John moved in with us today for the summer. I'll let you know how that's going next week.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

For Mom

Dad's are great, but Moms are the best.

When my Dad's not watching me close enough and I bonk my head, who calms me down? Mom. When I'm upset who always knows why? Mom. Who always makes me smile just 'cause she's home? Mom. Who snuggles me better than anyone? Mom. Who can I count on to take care of everything I need? Mom. Who went through 9 months of discomfort just for me? Mom. Who loves me more already than anyone else in my life ever will? Mom.

Thanks Mom, for everything you do. Thanks for all the feedings, the diaper changes, washing my clothes, comforting me when I'm sad, carrying me around the lake when I don't want to be in the stroller, rocking me to sleep, not sleeping for two months, keeping me booger free (even though I hate it), washing bottles every day, waking up earlier than you want to, listening to raffi songs with me, breaking your back carrying me in the Baby Bjorn for hours, buying me cute clothes, taking me to the doctor, clipping my nails, giving me baths, keeping me safe, taking me on long stroller rides, and everything you do after 10am too.

I know I can be frustrating at times and demand more patience than anyone but a mom has. I am amazed by how much love you have for me, and because of you, I know that I will always be okay. I love you Mom.

Happy Mothers Day,

This is Nancy. She works with Mom.

I always sleep on my left side now.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Zero and a half years old.

I went to my 6 month well child checkup at the doctor this week. The doctor says I'm the healthiest, cutest, most intelligent, well adjusted child ever.

Here's my stats:
--- 19 lbs (still). I've dropped to 60th percentile for weight.
--- 27 1/4 in. That puts me in the 80th percentile so I'm still growing, but in the other direction.

That's me with Doctor McCarthy. We like him.

I took my shots like a man. I hardly cried at all and didn't get my usual fever!

No more tummy time for me! I got this rolling over mastered. Put me on my tummy and I'll flip immediately every time. Dad captured a few. Here's number 4 of 7 in a row!

Shannon, Shaun and Aaron were over yesterday for Cinco de Mayo. I had a lot of fun hanging out and playing. I was mad later though, 'cause there was so much commotion I missed my nap and had trouble falling asleep at bedtime. Missing naptime is a big deal since I've been known to take 2-3 hour naps.

Adults get all the fun toys.

I've tried green beans, sweet potatoes, and carrots recently. See the carrots?