Dad's are great, but Moms are the best.
When my Dad's not watching me close enough and I bonk my head, who calms me down? Mom. When I'm upset who always knows why? Mom. Who always makes me smile just 'cause she's home? Mom. Who snuggles me better than anyone? Mom. Who can I count on to take care of everything I need? Mom. Who went through 9 months of discomfort just for me? Mom. Who loves me more already than anyone else in my life ever will? Mom.
Thanks Mom, for everything you do. Thanks for all the feedings, the diaper changes, washing my clothes, comforting me when I'm sad, carrying me around the lake when I don't want to be in the stroller, rocking me to sleep, not sleeping for two months, keeping me booger free (even though I hate it), washing bottles every day, waking up earlier than you want to, listening to raffi songs with me, breaking your back carrying me in the Baby Bjorn for hours, buying me cute clothes, taking me to the doctor, clipping my nails, giving me baths, keeping me safe, taking me on long stroller rides, and everything you do after 10am too.
I know I can be frustrating at times and demand more patience than anyone but a mom has. I am amazed by how much love you have for me, and because of you, I know that I will always be okay. I love you Mom.
Happy Mothers Day,

This is Nancy. She works with Mom.

I always sleep on my left side now.
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