Sunday, May 6, 2007

Zero and a half years old.

I went to my 6 month well child checkup at the doctor this week. The doctor says I'm the healthiest, cutest, most intelligent, well adjusted child ever.

Here's my stats:
--- 19 lbs (still). I've dropped to 60th percentile for weight.
--- 27 1/4 in. That puts me in the 80th percentile so I'm still growing, but in the other direction.

That's me with Doctor McCarthy. We like him.

I took my shots like a man. I hardly cried at all and didn't get my usual fever!

No more tummy time for me! I got this rolling over mastered. Put me on my tummy and I'll flip immediately every time. Dad captured a few. Here's number 4 of 7 in a row!

Shannon, Shaun and Aaron were over yesterday for Cinco de Mayo. I had a lot of fun hanging out and playing. I was mad later though, 'cause there was so much commotion I missed my nap and had trouble falling asleep at bedtime. Missing naptime is a big deal since I've been known to take 2-3 hour naps.

Adults get all the fun toys.

I've tried green beans, sweet potatoes, and carrots recently. See the carrots?