To Dad, Love Harley
Happy Father's Day. Dad didn't seem very excited though. He slept half the day. [Dad: I did. It was very exciting.] I'm not sure why he'd be tired. Mom and he left me with Aunt Sandra on Friday night and went on a date. Then again, I did wake them up last night.
Lots of family came over today. I got to be held by like a hundred people.

I like drinking water from Dad's cups and bottles.
Mostly just 'cause it's Dad's and I wanna be just like him.
So I'm going to quick write this while Dad's out of the room...I know I said all that great stuff about my mom a few weeks back, but I want everyone to know that Dad is my favorite. There's a reason I'm saying "Dadadada." Who else flies me around the room like an airplane and tickles me until I can't breathe? Dads are good for lots of stuff, and they let you do things that moms never would like hang off the edge of the couch, pull the cat's hair and watch motorcycle shows on tv.
I want to be just like my dad when I grow up.
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