Happy Birthday To Me
Birthdays... Are... Awesome! So awesome in fact, that I think it should be an annual event for everyone.
Here are some of my favorite things about birthdays:
- Lots of friends and family to entertain me.
- Birthday Cake!!!!
- Balloons. Super fun.
- Presents.
- Did I say Birthday Cake?
And, of course, a few of the 100+ pictures taken yesterday.
***Spoiler Alert: Early Halloween costume pictures below!***

Matt came over Friday night. I was kinda squirmy.

Birthday preview. Check out my sweet tissue paper!

Check it out! Proof that there is no gravity!

Garrett came over for my party.

He's kinda squirmy too.

My dad and Uncle Dean thought this was funny. I don't get it.

Grandma Peterson made the cake for my party. Impressive, huh?
This is the adult cake. Mine was WAAAYYY better!


This rocking horse moves and makes noises.
It's way cool, but I'm a little scared of it.

Finally! I've been trying to open my presents all day!

It was a long day.

These aren't from my birthday, just too good not to post. Enjoy.
I've learned that life is more fun if you have always carry a big stick.

This is from last week when Grandma A. babysat me.

Harley, love the picture in your costume, and the picture of you eating your cake is priceless. Well, happy birthday!!! Looks like you had fun :)
Best. Costume. Ever.
Also, his birthday cakes are SOOO awesome! I especially love his little bear!
Harley, your first year has flown by so fast! You have brought a lot of love and joy to our lives. I especially loved spending the weekend with you while your mom and dad were on vacation. Maybe we can make it an annual thing!
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