Harley 1, Containment 0
I've learned a new trick, and it allows me a little more freedom. Hold your breath... I can now open doors! That's right. I figured it out while at Grandma and Grandpa's a couple of weeks ago. Dad came to pick me up and I was ready to go, so I opened the door and went outside. He made me do it again. Here's some proof.
Funny how now that I can open them, I don't want the doors to be closed anymore. Especially at night.

Can you see the bite mark? That happened at daycare. I consider it a badge of honor.
It's a good think I was the bitee and not the biter though, cause I'd have to give hugs and say "Towwy" I do that a lot now. Like when I hit Dad in the face, or hit Dad with a drumstick, or kick Dad in the stomach, or headbutt Dad in the tooth. You get the idea.

I had a ton of fun with my Aunt Jenna. We went to the drive-in. I ran around a lot and Dad got hit in the face with a softball.
Last weekend we were at Aunt Jessie and Uncle Dean's cabin. I got to stay up super late and sit by the fire and swim in the lake.

I'm ready, where's the fish?
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