Happy Mommy's day
Happy Mother's Day. Daddy says that means I should try to be extra quiet and helpful today, but I think that means I should play with you all day.
Thank you for getting me drinks at 2am. and 6am. Thank you for changing my sheets at 7am. Thank you for letting me hate the potty. Thank you for giving me treats anyway. Thank you for letting me get dirty. Thank you for letting me hate the bath sometimes. Thank you for making me such good food. Thank you for being patient when I refuse to eat it. Thank you for taking me to so many wonderful places. Sorry we had to leave swimming lessons that one time. Thank you for kissing my owies and wiping my nose and giving me hugs and letting me fingerpaint and playing with me and reading me stories and... Thanks for giving me literally everything.
And because it's been awhile. Here's some pictures from the last month.
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