Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Damn you Ferber

The weekend started out awesome. I got to go on three stroller rides around the lake. Once with my mom and dad, once with Mom's friend Beth and my buddy Garrett, and once more with just Mom and me. I looove being outside. There are so many new noises. I watch the planes every time they go over. There are all sorts of people too. Some of them have dogs, some of them have wheels instead of feet... I'm enthralled.

It was great to visit lots of family too. Dad took me down to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's on Saturday morning. I hung out with Aunt Sandy. We had fun.

I had a hard time sleeping Saturday night. I was up early and kind of cranky. And that's when things got weird. Someone stole all of my pacifiers, cause no one gives them to me anymore. I can't sleep without my pacifier, people! Then, I think aliens took control of my parents. They stopped coming in when I cry! Sure, they check on my at ever lengthening intervals just to make sure that my murderous screams don't mean I'm actually being murdered. But they don't pick me up, don't search the house for my PACIFIER, don't rock me, don't nurse me, don't sing, don't ANYTHING!!! A simple "It's okay, go to sleep," doesn't cut it!

On a completely unrelated topic, I have slept better the last two nights than ever before. Man this feels good! Funny, I still wake up in the middle of the night, but for some reason, I can fall back asleep. Weird.

Look how good I sit up.

Ok. I need some quick help sometimes. Look at my Dad go!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm the Baby, Gotta Love Me

As if the bottle wasn't artificial enough, I now have to lick my food off of a stick. It works, but it's pretty inefficient. I get a little tiny bit, wait, get another tiny bit, wait... Even that wouldn't be so bad, if I could manage to keep half of it in my mouth. I'm gonna have to work on this for some time, I think.

I get fed by "Not the Mama" too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Duck and Cover!

It's tons of fun to watch Mom and Dad cover their faces when they hear the new sound I can make. PHBLLTTTT. Drooling is old news. I'm all about spitting now. I can amuse myself for quite some time with this.

I got to see my cousins on Saturday. Grandma Ackland brought them to the cities for an ice skating show. They say I can't go because I'm too little. PHBLLLTTT. That's ok though 'cause they played with me all afternoon!

My parents bought some new contraption to hold me. They seem excited, but I'm not so sure. PHBBBLT. They talk about something called cereal when I'm in it.

Is this a carseat? Why doesn't it move?


Monday, March 5, 2007


I just met my new BFF (Best Friend Forever). Mom's friend Beth had her baby this week. Congratulations Beth. Happy birthday Garrett. We hung out today. He's really little, but soon we can start causin' trouble!

I talk ALOT now. It comes out like this. "Aaaeeee. Oouuugghhhh. IIIeeeee. eeelaaaa. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. aaaa. aaaa. Ooaaaa." It's a lot of fun! I also sit up better every day. I can go ten seconds before I fall over. Sometimes.

I'm getting better at grabbing things too. My favorite is my parent's shirt collars. I can hold on and turn around to see what's going on around me. I'm very interested in what they put in their mouth. I like to put things in my mouth too.

I was really mad at my dad this weekend. I was trying to sleep when WHAM. WHAM. I would wake up, of course, then fall back asleep just in time for.. WHAM. WHAM. Mom says Dad needs to hammer the new stove into place. I think he doesn't know what a NAP is for. I'm just glad that's over with.

See. Even the cat knows what a NAP is for.

Hope you got your pictures while they lasted. 18 pounds and outgrowing...