Sunday, October 28, 2007

Naps are for babies

I've decided that naps are wasted play time. Of course, I am tricked into at least a short nap in the morning still, but by the afternoon I've learned my lesson for the day. Mom and Dad try, but I make SURE they know how angry it makes me. They give in every time, of course, and come pick me up.

I was glad to spend time with the Coopers this week, and Grandma and Grandpa Peterson watched me on Friday (THANKS!) For those of you who don't realize what running around after me is like now, here's a video of me playing on the porch. I prefer the rest of the house where I can run from room to room looking for trouble.

I'm not sure I like Halloween anymore. Mom and Dad played a mean trick on me.

Holy I'm still getting presents Batman!

Someone SAVE me.

Why does Mom keep trying to teach me to sweep?

This is my Pitiful face.

That's gonna leave a mark.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me

Birthdays... Are... Awesome! So awesome in fact, that I think it should be an annual event for everyone.

Here are some of my favorite things about birthdays:

  1. Lots of friends and family to entertain me.
  2. Birthday Cake!!!!
  3. Balloons. Super fun.
  4. Presents.
  5. Did I say Birthday Cake?
Here's my birthday montage.

And, of course, a few of the 100+ pictures taken yesterday.
***Spoiler Alert: Early Halloween costume pictures below!***

Matt came over Friday night. I was kinda squirmy.

Birthday preview. Check out my sweet tissue paper!

Check it out! Proof that there is no gravity!

Garrett came over for my party.

He's kinda squirmy too.

My dad and Uncle Dean thought this was funny. I don't get it.

Grandma Peterson made the cake for my party. Impressive, huh?
This is the adult cake. Mine was WAAAYYY better!



This rocking horse moves and makes noises.
It's way cool, but I'm a little scared of it.

Finally! I've been trying to open my presents all day!

It was a long day.

These aren't from my birthday, just too good not to post. Enjoy.

I've learned that life is more fun if you have always carry a big stick.

This is from last week when Grandma A. babysat me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Change is good

A lot of stuff happened this last week. First, my house changed. The walls downstairs changed color, the carpet feels different and the furniture moved. But that's just the beginning!

On Wednesday, Mom brought me to Kathy's (daycare) really early in the morning. I really knew something was up when Grandma A. picked me up. That's never happened before, so of course I was nervous. Since she took me home, everything was ok, but I did wonder where Mom and Dad were. When they weren't there in the morning, I was sure that they had DISAPPEARED!

Grandma and I had lots of fun together, and other than a little cough, I had a great weekend. Aunt Jessie was over lots, too. FINALLY, on Sunday afternoon, the door opened, and there were Mom and Dad. I had to be careful, because I couldn't be sure that it was them and not lookalikes, but by Monday morning I was positive. Nobody knows what I like so much. I guess I'm ok if they leave me with a grandma for a few days.

2 new firsts this week already, too.
  1. First time peeing standing up. ---- I was waiting for the bath to be ready, and you know how running water kinda gets things moving? Well, Mom should've got her feet moving out of the way!
  1. First Asian food. ---- Mom and Dad shared their Vietnamese food with me tonight, and I like it!

Monday, October 8, 2007

I found.. er.. lost it.

I found my temper! That means I can lose it all the time now! Like when someone takes my dangerous toys away, or won't let me push the button on the computer, or won't pick me up, or put me down, or tries to feed me vegetables, or any time I feel like it!

I think this means I'm officially graduated from infant to toddler.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Don't blame me.

Mom and Dad have been really busy painting this weekend, so they don't have much time to help me post this week, so don't blame me for the late, thrown together post. No big news, just some good pictures.

Nice fort. What's under here?

Dirty Diaper Detector 3000