Sunday, May 18, 2008

I am so S.M.R.T.

I love the look on Mom and Dad's faces whenever I do new things now. Judging from their reactions, I'm pretty sure I'm a genius.

Here are some new things I've learned that you may not know since I am a genius and you might only be of average intelligents.

I know what nose, ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, and hair are. Mom and Dad must keep forgetting because they now ask me where they are all the time.

I can point to things in picture books when Mom and Dad ask me to help find them. I can find dogs, kitties, bubbles, books, balls, fish, cars, mommies, daddies, and lots more.

I know how to say milk, more, eat, baby, and bath in sign language. Mom and Dad's friend Andrea was especially impressed.

I now can say the words story, truck, car, booby, stick, apple and grapes.

If you hide something, I'll ask "Where'd it go?" [Ere O?]

I'm getting pretty good at jumping. I even spent some time on a trampoline this week. I wasn't sure about it at first, but after I realized it doesn't hurt to fall I loved it.

Oh, Oh, I almost forgot! Speaking of getting hurt, the kitchen wall bit me yesterday! Mom and Dad were about to start painting and the neighbor girl had just shown up to watch me while they painted. I realized that the outlet had a hole in it and when I touched it it bit me. Holy cow was that scary!

Garreth is so much fun.

This is my Musikgarten teacher Miss Laurie.
I can be really shy in class sometimes.

Grandpa's are good at peekaboo.

Cool! I can push and pull the new kitchen chairs around.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Alright already! New pictures!

I blame Dad. He's been refusing to help me post as punishment for not letting Mom and him sleep for the last month or so. Really, it's their own fault, since I sleep just fine in bed with them. I need lots of room though, so I try to kick Dad out of bed. Literally.

Turn it UP!

My new favorite things.

#1 Trucks. I push my trucks everywhere. Around the house, onto the porch, back inside, down the block, up the alley, into the neighbor's yard, up Dad's face, down Dad's back, everywhere. The only thing better than a truck is 2 trucks. One for each hand.

#2 Sand. I finally found dirt that Mom and Dad approve of me playing in. I love digging. Since I don't know where to put the sand I dig up, I usually dump it in Dad's hands. Sand is also great for throwing.

#3 Shoes. Specifically, Mom and Dad's shoes. I love to clomp around in them. Sometimes I just put them on and take them off over and over. I feel so big when I wear them.

#4 Tantrums. I finally found a way to express the feelings of rage and betrayal I feel when someone (Mom or Dad) takes away a toy or makes me do anything I don't want. There are 3 basic rules to a tantrum that will drive any parent to cave. First, insist on being put down and squirm like a slippery fish. Second, scream bloody murder. Third, throw anything handed to you.

#5 Being understood. So I've been talking up a storm for months and months now (at least the vowels) and it's really nice when someone finally understands. For example, Dad figured out Ee-EeO last week. See if you can get it. The answer's at the bottom.

#6 Slides. Holy cow do I love slides!

#7 Outside!

Like my shiner?

I like playing Fort, but sometimes I get stuck.

Ee-EeO: Cheerios, of course.